The Best Way to Spend Your Saturday Night

The perfect Visage, a fireplace and a beautiful table!

The best way to spend a Saturday night would be the ideal meal by a cozy fire with your loved ones. Last night, Channing and Morgan came over for dinner and company. Channing, Morgan, Spencer and I all came up with a meal we would love. The meal consisted of sweet onion and seasoned flat bread, with options of pesto, white bean and garlic dip, or olives. We also made a caprese salad with an overload of balsamic, sweet potato with butter and parmesan cheese, and kale chips with lemon and cheese. I also made some fresh mint lemonade with lemons that Spencer and I snuck from a nearby orchard, and to top it off we had apple strudel for desert! Our night couldnt have gone any better, except for one little part. I was so excited to decorate the table and set it up outside on our porch, so I set everything up and made it perfect!

The perfect scenario for a romantic dinner, an old adobe fire place that we have had for many years, a lace tablecloth, twine wrapped jars, lavender napkins, antique china plates, and sheepskin cushions. Spencer and I were so happy we got the fire place going, and I mean going! Ten minutes later, flames were shooting out of the top of the fire place and the walls were cracking! It had turned into a living disaster…We had to hose down the hut, which got the whole porch wet, so we ended up in the living room. It was definetly a night to remember, but the perfect way to spend my Saturday night, with a good friend Morgan, her boyfriend Channing and my boyfriend Spencer!

Anybody have any other perfect ways to spend a windy Saturday night?

Sophie xoxo

More Photos below!!

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